Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 2012 is down the drain...

I had another car theft dream.  This time, both the Focus and the Mustang were gone.  Then my garage fell down.  I wasn't all that sad, I could rebuild a bigger, better garage.  I'd get a 2013 Focus ST and a new Mustang as well.  I was happier about the new Focus than the new Mustang, because I really wanted to hang on to that '08 for a while.  I guess I thought insurance would cover most of the cost of the new cars, because I sure couldn't afford two new cars and a new garage in real life.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kreepy Kindle

Before I got a real Kindle, I read ebooks on my PC.  I bought that Take Me There book and put it on my Kindle to read at work.  I saw it archived on my PC and downloaded it, and the PC knew exactly how far I had read into it.  Can Big Brother see what I am reading?  Is he going to make a big deal of it when I am hauled away to the internment camps for gender treachery?  I wonder how well I am going to hold up under torture, not all that great I am guessing.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saint Dominic

So I have this dream with a guy from astronomy club.  We're in something like a museum or learning center and he's done this bas relief sculpture that looks kind of Mayan, kind of new age.  It has two faces on it and some astronomical symbols.  He says he's broadcasting information about it at 1203 on the radio band for people to hear about it in the park.

A Hispanic man I don't know pipes up "That's Santo Domingo."

When I look up Santo Domingo, I find it is the name of several cities in the latin world.  Eventally, I come to Santo Domingo de Silas, who was apparently the first Saint Dominic, the patron saint of hopeful mothers and astronomers.

The second Saint Dominic of Osma went off in 1203 or 1204 to Denmark to help fetch a bride for Prince Ferdinand.  On the way, he found some Cathars and he might have sicced Pope Innocent the III on them, since they were heretics who let women be clergy.  I guess the first trip was to ask the princess if she wanted to marry their prince, and when they went back to Denmark the next year, she was dead.  (So sayeth Wikipedia.)

What the heck is the universe trying to tell me?  To go back to astronomy club?  To tell the guy from astronomy club about the dream?