Friday, November 27, 2015

Yet another bathroom dream

You know those dreams before you wake where you have to go to the bathroom and you are searching for the bathroom and when you find it, something is wrong- and you can't use it and you usually wake up and just get up and go to the bathroom.

I had one of these dreams but first there was a section about a guy I used to work with who was peeling dead skin off my back and maybe eating it.  I thought this bizarre grooming activity was a kind of sexual advance and I actually thought maybe he could teach me to ride a motorcycle and we could be like a Tom of Finland couple so long as I was the top.

So I look for the bathroom and find it but it consists of rows of benches with holes the size of quarters.  It's out in the open, like in a theatre.  There is a gallery of spectators, most of whom have binoculars.

I remember being glad I didn't have to go number 2.