Wednesday, September 12, 2012

current events- 9/11/12- it's not getting better

People love to get worked up.  They latch on to a theme for their life and choose a path and stuff happens.

Last night I was trying to catch up on the latest shit storm going down in Egypt and Libya and keep my girlfriend awake as she drove over night.  The last long distance girlfriend I had would hang up on me when she heard me playing games or watching videos during our hours long phone conversations.  This one is more tolerant.

I was trying to watch the clip from the inflammatory movie that was causing people to die and it wasn't interesting and seemed vaguely random and lame and she kept saying "What are you doing?" so I decided to watch it later but it was made "private" today.  Probably to keep other people from getting worked up.

Why did it seem like a good idea to head over to an embassy full of people who had nothing to do with making this movie?  I guess you had to be there.

In our country, we have free speech.  Anybody can say any damn stupid thing they want to.  And they do.  In other countries, not so much.  It is too bad they feel motivated to kill people over words.

My sympathy goes out to the innocent who were murdered in Libya.  When bad guys come, good guys need to grit their teeth and defend themselves.  This time, there were too many bad guys.

Nobody owes bad guys apologies.  Egypt should be apologizing to the US for the attack on our embassy.  Same for Libya.  Maybe we shouldn't have embassies in such lawless, uncivilized countries.  Because I see no reason to be diplomatic with people who can't be reasoned with.

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