Monday, April 23, 2012

What's On My Mind Today

Maybe I should do an Amazing Atheist style video response to this post.

First of all:  how about some video of the dyno pull showing this massive horsepower.  You can afford the Corvette, you can afford to mod it.  You can afford to get it dynoed.

And you can afford to plunk down $20 at a track and do this there instead of endangering the public!  You get a swell piece of paper with loads of numbers on it showing how awesome you are and if you really are 1500 horses, they should all be white slips.  It's called put up or shut up.

Or Speed Week on the Bonneville Salt Flats.  Just not on the highway.

Or you could go to a road course.  You would be the jerk who does not pay attention to the blue flags when everybody piles up behind you in the twisties because all you can do is go in a straight line.  You pull way away on the straights, and then everyone who can drive piles up behind you on the curves.  On second thought, DON'T go to the road course.

I was amazed at how few comments addressed the issue of racing in public.  Maybe he does go to the track, maybe he kicked all their asses at Speed Week.  But if he had, I'm thinking he wouldn't be making videos of being on the highway.  Because I'm thinking if you compete at the dragstrip or learned the rules to drive on a road course, you would have got it out of your system and wouldn't do it on the highway.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't Be Stupid

I ain't much for this Twitter stuff.  But Christopher Gordon is following me.  I am pretty excited by this.  When I followed Kevin Smith, he didn't follow me.

So go back a bit, to where I am reading an article about Randall, of Honey Badger fame.  I don't watch much TV nowadays, but I do love YouTube.  It's great for people like me, with the attention span of a gnat.  I loved Honey Badger and Randall's other nature narrations.  Then, one day, Randall showed himself.  He looks like he fell out of the time machine from the 70's.  We were all shocked to see the longish hair and whiskers- that mustache/muttonchops sideburns thing some guys did back in the day.  Then he put up a really great video of him on a date.  With a woman.  It did not go well.  My favorite part was when they showed their feet, while the "kissing" was going on.  His boots were- well, lets just say they were not manly boots.  Her saddle shoes were more butch than his shoes and she was a smoking hot babe.

So the article I found via my friend Google was from the Wall Street Journal and it had links to Randall's twitter account and Christopher Gordon's twitter account.  Christopher is Randall's "assistant".  I decided to follow both of them.  I am going to go out on a limb here and say they are one and the same.  Has anyone seen them together?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Storm Dreams

I dreamed that there was a new TV show featuring genuine butches and femmes that featured soft core porn.

Then I was driving along some kind of construction site, backing my car along slowly as I looked it over. I was right along the edge of a gaping hole.  A woman who was bothered by my behavior asked me to leave.  As I drove off, it started to rain heavily and it appeared that I would have to drive down some stairs to get home.

It had really cut loose while I was at work, for a while we watched the rain as it was blasted horizontally by high winds.  But at home, 45 miles away, things looked fine, so it must have passed by or lost its force as it came through here.

Bloggity blog

Okay, so we're still in this new format, it doesn't look quite so loathsome today, yet, I haven't hit the end of the page and still using google chrome, so yeah, I guess it's better.

I transferred away from my old job with no commute and swell hours to commute for 45 minutes and not do what I was doing before to do new things.  The adjustment to the new things hasn't been without issues and I drink as much as ever, I suppose.  I come home and instead of eating a supper ( at one a.m.) I drink a few beers.  I drag out of bed after noon and eat some breakfast and go back to work.

But I did get my taxes done, finally.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blogging in the new format

Well, ok, I guess it's not so bad.  I think.  Well, I'm not liking the way my text is not fully visible as I type it.

Tonight, I had a loader on some of my doors who was first described to me as "a child".  This is a grown man who had a backpack full of little action figures the last time I saw him in another area.  He was no where to be seen, so I couldn't give him the tie out times for the five loads for his doors.  I might have talked to the supervisor but he was no where to be seen, either.  I had three loads that needed to go right away, so I tied them out myself.  I also had two doors that were a son of a bitch to get down, but the other dock person helped me with those.

When I went to tie out a fourth load, the other loaders insisted I have ManChild paged.  I found the supervisor and he got the page done.  The supervisor hoped I would let him know about any late loads so he could get this guy.  Like I'd let a late load happen, that is on me.  ManChild ambles in, but had to be told twice which door needed to be tied out.  His girlfriend had come along, and when I wasn't telling ManChild which door to load or tie out, he stayed behind some equipment with her.

That nagging pain I had dreamed about is real, I feel it whenever I pull down hard on a tough trailer door, I don't know if it's a pulled muscle, a bad appendix or ovarian cancer.

Maybe I can reset these options to make this page look better.  As usual, change sucks.  Just let me see everything I type without it scrolling out of sight, for criminy's sake.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dude Where's My Car

The neighbors rolled in around 2:30 am and proceeded to argue loudly in the driveway.  Didn't bother me much since it wasn't quite my bedtime yet, but good grief.  Why not fight indoors?

I forgot to set my alarm and didn't wake up until almost noon.  I dreamed my Focus was stolen.  I wandered about in a Maxfield Parrish looking landscape, someone had to have seen it, with it's large black fuzzy dice and skull seat covers and the large bright racing stickers I put on the rear windows to make it easier to spot in a dark parking lot.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Working on the Docks

The first time I met E, I was struggling with a really stubborn trailer door and she materialized at my side to help me pull it up.  She's a forklift driver but she got off and helped me pull it up by hand.  Sometimes those things are so stubborn, it actually takes a forklift to get them up.  The first few days on this job, I found many doors problematic.  But now, I guess I'm getting in shape, and I have figured out how to leverage or push and pull just right to get the job done.

Tonight there was some drama that started while I was at lunch.  Usually, our own guys back trailers up to the doors but sometimes OTR drivers do and they are required to come and and declare that they are chocked and pulled off after they are indeed chocked and pulled off.  Only then it is truly safe for a forklift driver to enter the trailer.  But apparently, a driver pulled off while E was in a trailer and K, another forklift operator witnessed this and she wanted to file a formal complaint against the driver.  The trailer shakes and it is creepy for the forklift driver.  And maybe not safe, should the trailer actually start to move, but one of my duties is to lock the trailer to the dock, so it can't be moved.  I was back from lunch when K asked for the paper work to file the complaint.  I found somebody to help me find the form and by the time I did, K wasn't around but E was and her attitude was it wasn't a big deal and she didn't want to get anybody in trouble.  So she said she'd take care of the paperwork (probably throw it away and tell K it was handled) and she warned my to watch myself around K.  I had already had that vibe although dealing with K was much better tonight that the previous night.  I may be working this area regularly, so this would probably be good to have rapport with all the forklift drivers.

Overtime can be had for the asking here but I simply lack the stamina to work more than 8 hours, 5 days a week.  Maybe if I could sleep 8 hours a night, I could go for 10 hour days and 12 hour days are for the young.  Forget 7 days a week.  Maybe once I have my taxes done and the grass isn't growing so much, I could contemplate signing up for the overtime list.  People who can handle 7 12 hour days bring in 6 figure incomes.  I'd be scared of getting so tired I'd end up getting hurt.

That's the plan for my "weekend", gotta get the taxes done NOW.

April Fools Day 2012- NASCAR at Martinsville

I clock in next to a break room that has a television and the NASCAR race at Martinsville was on TV.  Jimmie Johnson was in the lead and Jeff Gordon was in second.  I was hoping the race would end before I clocked in but there were enough cautions to slow things down.  Then there were three laps to go- and another caution.  I had to clock in and leave.

I found out after I got home that there had been a crash when they got going again and Jimmie and Jeff were involved.  I couldn't even find the crash on YouTube.  Just the footage of Ryan Newman winning.

That was one of the things I knew I'd be giving up in transferring to this job.  Besides not being able to participate in autocross anymore, I'd miss the races on the weekends on TV.  Unless I caught them before I clocked in while waiting in the break room.