Sunday, November 6, 2011

Boo Vizio

I bought a blu-ray player.  They had them for $99 at Wal-Mart and I thought, what the heck, it's about time, the vcr part of my dvd player is dead and the dvd part makes some strange noises some times.

But the hdmi cable necessary to attach it to my TV is not there.  "Be sure to buy a hdmi cable" is on the box in tiny letters and needs to be on there is giant freaking huge letters if you ask me.

I don't feel like heading out tonight to get one, and if I did it wouldn't be a big deal, since I live pretty close to Wal-Mart.  I moved my nice desktop into the living room and moved the modem and router up here and wired it all together and so far, I have not had Netflix stop to load yet.  So maybe using wired ethernet instead of wireless is the answer to that problem for me.

I'll stop off at Wal-Mart after work tomorrow and pick up the cable and watch my first blu-ray movie tomorrow night.  I bought Cars II.

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