Sunday, October 16, 2011


I like the show "My Name is Earl" and not just because the title character drives an El Camino.  I saw one at the first hotel I stayed at on my way down to Little Rock and I saw a Ranchero on a car hauler on my way home today, but that's digressing.

My vacations this year were messed up for one reason or another.  The one in July by Mother Nature (the flooding that shut down my track weekend) and this fall's, well let's just say I let it get messed up by eating and drinking the wrong things.  I am a poor traveler at best and wanting to make it through the trip down I missed a lot of meals because if you don't eat, you don't shit.  I woke up Thursday morning with a headache, which wouldn't go away and I broke down and took an Advil to get it to go away and ate some breakfast type snack bars to go with it, so that seemed ok, but didn't eat anything else for the rest of the trip except for one more snack bar once I got there.  I figured there would be munchies at the meet and greet but there were not.  Only the bar.  I should have asked for water but I got ginger ale.  I had two of them over the course of the evening and I think on an empty stomach this was the mistake that made me a prisoner of my room the next day.  And scared to eat anything else.  So I slept and watched TV instead of attending events.  I was depressed and miserable.

Today (Sunday morning) I got up before six and packed and checked out so I could navigate my way out of town with little traffic. It was a trade off between driving in the dark with no traffic and waiting until daylight and dealing with traffic.  I only made one mistake getting out of Little Rock and the GPS got me back on track in little time.

I got real sleepy around noon and stopped at a Flying J and tried to power nap but in a black car in the full sun, that wasn't going to happen.  So I ate a snack bar and went inside to pee and bought a 5 Hour Energy shot to get me the rest of the way home.

So back to Karma.  We all laugh at those bozos who say the queers cause floods and hurricanes and tsunamis but maybe I shouldn't be laughing at the stuff that's going wrong in my life since I started dating again.    Either I shouldn't be dating at all or the desire to burn through as many women as possible before I die is wrong.  Maybe Karma is kicking my ass for trying to go poly with mono people.

I was thinking Thursday night that I could probably get another notch on the bedpost from the woman I was talking to, but Karma made sure that didn't happen.  No sex for you!

Right now I just feel old and ridiculous.  And grateful to be alive.  Driving all that way, I'm lucky I didn't die in a fiery car crash, like Dan Wheldon.  God rest his soul.

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