Thursday, September 1, 2011


So at my last physical I was told my cholesterol was elevated and to adjust my diet and exercise and we'd see how it was next year.  I've slowly adjusted the diet to include less fat and my weight has gone down a little and I'm drinking a lot less.  So what to do about exercise?

I had an Anytime Fitness membership that I allowed to lapse.  I went two or three times a week and did the same thing every time and kind of got bored, I guess.  And within a month of not going anymore, I suddenly weighed ten pounds more and the most I've ever weighed in my life.  And some other stuff happened that probably should have sent me to the doctor then but I'm hoping that was cleared up when I had the colonoscopy.

So now I am doing P90X.  It came in the mail yesterday and I did the first dvd this morning at 5 am.  A very fit man led two other men and a woman through a routine for chest and back.  They warm you up and take you through 12 sets of variations of pull ups and push ups and some dumbbell rows.  Sometimes the leader would announce the exercise and ask each participant how many reps they planned to do and they would answer something like "30!"  My answer was usually 5, or three.  I'm 54, ok?  And it's been ages since I've been able to do a pull up or a regular guy's push up.  And I am very sore tonight.

Another thing I have to do is start getting to bed earlier, I can't do this kind of workout and then get by on four or five hour's sleep.  I don't know if I will do the workouts every day, but I will try at first.  I may have to do every other day.

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