Friday, January 27, 2012

The Love That Dies Untold

The safe was finally opened today around 11:00 and other problems were solved throughout the day which seemed to get better and better and things looked awesome and hopeful.

While I was making some copies, I fiddled with The Book Of Answers.  We had played with this a few days ago.  It's a thick little orange book with Ouija symbols on it and you are supposed to hold it and ask your question and rifle the pages a few times and then open it up to a page and there's your answer.  I asked it if I was doing the right thing by transferring and if I should tell my Dad I am gay.  I got "Take More Time To Decide" for both questions.  Well, I had already decided to transfer and have never been anxious to have that conversation any way.  Some other questions brought nonsensical answers and I put it back in the copy room.

Today, I decided to ask if she ever loved me and if she loved me still.  A negative is what I need to hear, even if yes is the answer to the first question.  I know, it was probably a bad idea to ask both questions at once but I'm busy and just taking a moment while waiting for the copies and totally hadn't planned to play with the book again.  The book said "It Is Certain."  Which put me somewhere between "As If!" and "I Knew It!"

And for most of the day I was too busy for the fantasies of finally getting a look at those breasts, among other things.

Near the end of the day, we got word that we are bad people who break safes by using tools and shit.  One person, who is one of the finest men to ever walk this earth, was targeted in particular and he is justifiably outraged.   The safe was closed at night and wouldn't open the next day, end of story.  Nobody forced anything or worked at it with tools.  So a tough week ended on a very low note.

Please, give me my transfer.

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