Monday, January 30, 2012

A Very Warm Day In January

We got into the 60's today.  If I wasn't working, I might have got the Mustang out.  My luck, it wouldn't have started.  But I was stuck at work on a Monday, that seemed not quite so busy, perhaps because people had better things to do on a nice day like this than come to where I work.

We got our safe replaced, we have two just like the broken one, and the drilling guy took the guts from the money safe and put it into the other safe.  I also overheard him apologizing to my coworker who is one of the finest men to have ever walked this earth.  I know he had been upset by this, he had said so and I know how something like that can eat at you when you are unfairly and unjustly accused of something.  His weekend was ruined but not being able to eat or sleep and he thought of it constantly.  I hope he feels better now.  I guess the boss went to bat for him, which makes me loathe the boss a lot less.

I still have no date for starting at the new job.  It has been two weeks since I officially said I'd go, although I decided three days before that.  It sounds like they are still half-heartedly trying to keep Low Man here, they told her the people at the new place would make her cry.  We were all "What the ?" on that one.

Saturday I rolled out of bed and got on the internet.  My home page is Google on the desktop and the Google doodle was something about the 125th anniversary of the world's largest snowflake.  Clicking on the doodle brought up an article about the doodle that had more to say about Google's new privacy policy than the giant snowflake, so on to the next result, which was a Wikipedia article about weather records.  It was heavily annotated with lots of footnotes and footnote 71 was for a book called The Handy Weather Answer Book, which I promptly ordered from Amazon from a seller in Wisconsin and the book arrived today.

I spent a while being annoyed on Saturday looking for pictures of record setting snowflakes and had to admit that in 1887, there weren't a lot of cameras around so it should be no surprise that no pictures were taken of the 15 inchers that fell on Ft. Keough in Montana, near Miles City, on January 28, 1887.

If 15 inch snowflakes fell today, there would be loads of YouTube videos of it and people would say moronic things in them and at least one would get songified and end up on my iPod the way the Bed Intruder Song the the Nascar Prayer Song did.

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