Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Not Going to Miss That, Either

I decided to transfer to a large facility in a neighboring city.  I hadn't planned to announce it at work but pretty much as soon as I hit the door, people were saying things.  My boss had spilled the beans.  Thanks, boss.

I'll be trading a Monday-Friday daytime schedule for working 3:30-midnight with Tuesdays/Wednesdays off.  I'll be going from a two mile commute to a 40 mile one.

A coworker who is lower in seniority than me also wants to transfer and another co-worker told me she might be offered full time status after I left.  I sort of wondered if all this had been set up to get me to get out.  My paranoia kicked in.  Yup, a brilliant plan to get the fucking queer to leave.  Make her think the low man on the totem pole would leave and the queer would have to absorb all that work.

Well, yes, the absorbing-all-that-work scenario was on my mind.  And so what if it was all a ruse to get me to leave?  I am ready to go.  The duties I have here that are crushing my soul are nonexistent at the new place.  People my age, almost 55, seldom get what amounts to a fresh start.

When Low Man on The Totem Pole walked in, I told her maybe she didn't have to leave if she could make regular.  She laughed and said she didn't believe it, she was going away too, she thought she'd be better off at the new place.  And we went on to have one typical hellish day like we always do after a holiday weekend.

All through the day, every time something unpleasant happened, I'd just think "I won't miss this."  She was doing the same thing, as we compared notes together at the end of the day.

Now I just have to hope the boss doesn't mess up his part of the administrative things that will get me out of here.  I hope I get the date set so I can start counting down to the day I wait on that last customer and leave my uniform behind.

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